About Us

Hello and thank you for downloading the Carmel Fun App. Carmel Fun is a locally and family run business that has been providing ways for you to explore and experience Carmel since 1998. We pride ourselves on sustainability and our Carmel Fun Map is printed on recycled paper and is the only periodical in Carmel that prints on exclusively recycled product.

While our printed Carmel Fun Map cares about the environment, the Carmel Fun App was designed with your privacy in mind. We do not track your GPS location, we don’t make use of your microphone or your camera and we don’t take cookies of what places you search, how often you visit them or at what times you do it. For this reason using the basic features of our app are more anonymous than browsing a website.

Unfortunately by giving every user the greatest amount of privacy we cant give everyone all the features we’ve created, by signing up for the app, we can allow you to favorite your preferred locations and events, in order to save them in the app for future use. We can also offer you deals at locations you favorite and, in the future, notifications about events or places you’ve favorited when exciting things, events or discounts are happening.

When you sign up we ask for your phone number and not your email address because we aren’t building a digital database of your locations and interests to sell off to third parties, but we can still create a localized system to save your favorite places and provide you with the secrets of Carmel.

We’ve developed this platform with your interests, your privacy and your peace of mind as our main focus and are constantly striving to improve it. If you have any questions please feel free to send an email to contact@carmelfunapp.com or go ahead and give Barak a call at 808 446 4000. We appreciate your support and look forward to providing you more of the services that you expect from Carmel Fun in the future.

The Carmel Fun Team